
interface IXtdb : AutoCloseable


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abstract val pgPort: Int

Returns the port of the Postgres wire server, if one is running.


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open fun executeTx(vararg ops: TxOp.Sql): TransactionResult
abstract fun executeTx(txOpts: TxOptions, vararg ops: TxOp.Sql): TransactionResult

Executes the transaction - this method will block until the receiving node has indexed the transaction.

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abstract fun openQuery(sql: String, opts: QueryOptions = QueryOptions()): Stream<Map<String, *>>

Opens an SQL query - see the SQL documentation for more details on XTDB's SQL support.

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open fun submitTx(vararg ops: TxOp.Sql): TransactionKey
abstract fun submitTx(txOpts: TxOptions, vararg ops: TxOp.Sql): TransactionKey

Submits transactions to the log for processing - this method will block until the log has confirmed receipt of the transaction.