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Using XTDB from JavaScript

In NodeJS, you can talk to a running XTDB node using the 'postgres' package, taking advantage of XTDB’s PostgreSQL wire-compatibility.

"use strict"

import postgres from 'postgres';

const sql = postgres({
  host: "localhost",
  port: 5432,
  fetch_types: false, // currently required
  types: {
    bool: {to: 16},
    int: {
        to: 20,
        from: [23, 20], // int4, int8
        parse: parseInt

async function main() {
    await sql`INSERT INTO users (_id, name) VALUES (${}, 'James'), (${}, 'Jeremy')`

    console.log([...await conn`SELECT _id, name FROM users`])
    // => [{_id: 1, name: "James"}, [{_id: 2, name: "Jeremy"}]]
