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One of the key components of an XTDB node is the storage module - used to store the data and indexes that make up the database.

We offer the following implementations of the storage module:

  • In memory: transient in-memory storage.

  • Local disk: storage persisted to the local filesystem.

  • Remote: storage persisted remotely.

In memory

By default, the storage module is configured to use transient, in-memory storage.

# default, no need to explicitly specify
# storage: !InMemory

Local disk

A persistent storage implementation that writes to a local directory, also maintaining an in-memory cache of the working set.

storage: !Local
  # -- required

  # The path to the local directory to persist the data to.
  # (Can be set as an !Env value)
  path: /var/lib/xtdb/storage

  # -- optional

  # The maximum number of entries to store in the in-memory cache.
  # maxCacheEntries: 1024

  # The maximum number of bytes to store in the in-memory cache.
  # maxCacheBytes: 536870912

Clojure Kotlin

For examples on how to enable/configure the local-disk storage module as part of your node, see the individual client library documentation:


A persistent storage implementation that:

  • Persists data remotely to a provided object store.

  • Maintains an local-disk cache and in-memory cache of the working set.

storage: !Remote
  # -- required

  # Configuration of the Object Store to use for remote storage
  # Each of these is configured separately - see below for more information.
  objectStore: <ObjectStoreImplementation>

  # Local directory to store the working-set cache in.
  # (Can be set as an !Env value)
  localDiskCache: /var/lib/xtdb/remote-cache

  ## -- optional

  # The maximum number of entries to store in the in-memory cache.
  # maxCacheEntries: 1024

  # The maximum number of bytes to store in the in-memory cache.
  # maxCacheBytes: 536870912

  # The max percentage of space to use on the filesystem for the localDiskCache directory (overriden by maxDiskCacheBytes, if set).
  # maxDiskCachePercentage: 75

  # The upper limit of bytes that can be stored within the localDiskCache directory (unset by default).
  # maxDiskCacheBytes: 107374182400

Each Object Store implementation is configured separately - see the individual documentation for more information:

Clojure Clojure

For examples on how to enable/configure the remote storage module as part of your node, see the individual client library documentation: