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SQL Cookbook

SQL queries are submitted through xtdb.api/q:

  • (xt/q <node> <query> <opts>?) returns the query results as a vector of maps.

    • opts: map of query options

      • :args: vector of query arguments

      • :basis, :tx-timeout : see XTQL

  • (xt/q& <node> <query> <opts>?): returns a CompletableFuture of the query results.

For example:

(xt/q node "SELECT u.first_name, u.last_name FROM users u WHERE _id = ?"
      {:args ["James"]})

SQL Transactions

SQL transactions are submitted through xtdb.api/execute-tx and xtdb.api/submit-tx.

  • (xt/submit-tx <node> <tx-ops> <opts>?): returns the transaction key of the submitted transaction.

    • tx-ops: vector of transaction operations.

    • opts (map):

      • :default-tz (java.time.ZoneRegion): time zone to be used by default in functions where no explicit override is provided. Defaults to the current TZ of the server JVM.

  • (xt/execute-tx <node> <tx-ops> <opts>?) : additionally awaits for the transaction to be processed, and returns {:committed? true|false, :error err} alongside the transaction key.

SQL transaction operations are of the form [:sql "<sql query>"].


(require '[xtdb.api :as xt])

(xt/execute-tx node [[:sql "INSERT INTO users (_id, name) VALUES ('jms', 'James')"]

                     ;; with args - pass multiple vectors if required.
                     [:sql "INSERT INTO users (_id, name) VALUES (?, ?)"
                      ["jms", "James"]
                      ["jdt", "Jeremy"]]])

;; => {:tx-id 0, :system-time #xt.time/instant "...", :committed? true}

There is a table and column name mapping between SQL and XTQL: documents inserted with XTQL have their hyphens translated to underscores, and their namespace segments converted to $ symbols, as hyphens, periods and slashes are not valid symbols in SQL identifiers.

For example, in XTQL is referenced in SQL as foo$bar$baz_quux.

The built-in XTDB columns :xt/id, :xt/valid-from, :xt/valid-to etc are referenced in SQL as _id, _valid_from and _valid_to respectively.

This mapping is reversed when querying SQL documents from XTQL.

For more details on XTDB’s SQL support, see the SQL reference documentation.