XTDB community
XTDB is fundamentally free-to-use and open-source (under the MPL license).
For your peace of mind, though, XTDB is the flagship product of JUXT - a widely-respected software consultancy who have been building high-quality, scalable and resilient software for some of the world’s largest (and smallest!) companies for over ten years.
JUXT additionally provide enterprise XTDB support for companies looking to adopt or extend their usage of XTDB - including training, consultancy and production support.
Open-source community
XTDB also has an active open-source community:
on our public forum.
on the XTDB GitHub repo, for issues and pull requests, as well as the source-code itself.
You can get in touch with the XTDB team (privately) regarding any of the above at hello@xtdb.com.