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Apache Kafka can be used as an XTDB message log.


  1. Add a dependency to the com.xtdb/xtdb-kafka module in your dependency manager.

  2. On your Kafka cluster, XTDB requires a Kafka topic to use as its message log:

    • This can be created manually and provided to the node config, or XTDB can create it automatically.

    • If allowing XTDB to create the topic automatically, ensure that the connection properties supplied to the XTDB node have the appropriate permissions to create topics - XTDB will create the topic with some expected configuration values.

  3. The log topic should be configured with the following properties:

    • A single partition - this ensures that the message log is strictly ordered.

    • message.timestamp.type set to LogAppendTime - this ensures that the timestamp of the message is the time it was appended to the log, rather than the time it was sent by the producer.

    • The XTDB log is generally set up using the default values for configuration. A few key values to consider:

      • as messages are not required to be permanently on the log, this value does not need to be particularly high. The default value of 1 day is sufficient for most use cases. When extra precaution should be taken to prevent any data loss on certain environments, a larger value is recommended, with 1 week as a starting point.

      • max.message.bytes: generally, this is using the default value of 1MB, which is fit for purpose for most log messages. This will depend on the overall size of transactions that are being sent into XTDB.

      • cleanup.policy: The Kafka module within XTDB does not make use of compacted messages, so it is recommended that the topic cleanup policy should use the default value of delete.

  4. XTDB should be configured to use the log topic, and the Kafka cluster the topic is hosted on. It should also be authorised to perform all of the necessary operations the topic.

    • For configuring the kafka module to authenticate with the Kafka cluster, the propertiesFile or propertiesMap configuration options to supply the necessary connection properties. See the example configuration below.

    • If using the Kafka cluster is using ACLs, ensure that the XTDB node has the following permissions on the topic:

      • Describe

      • Read

      • Write


To use the Kafka module, include the following in your node configuration:

log: !Kafka
  # -- required

  # A comma-separated list of host:port pairs to use for establishing the
  # initial connection to the Kafka cluster.
  # (Can be set as an !Env value)
  bootstrapServers: "localhost:9092"

  # Name of the Kafka topic to use for the log.
  # (Can be set as an !Env value)
  topic: "xtdb-log"

  # -- optional

  # Whether or not to automatically create the topic, if it does not already exist.
  # autoCreateTopic: true

  # The maximum time to block waiting for records to be returned by the Kafka consumer.
  # pollDuration: "PT1S"

  # Path to a Java properties file containing Kafka connection properties,
  # supplied directly to the Kafka client.
  # (Can be set as an !Env value)
  # propertiesFile: ""

  # A map of Kafka connection properties, supplied directly to the Kafka client.
  # propertiesMap:

SASL Authenticated Kafka Example

The following piece of node configuration demonstrates the following common use case:

  • Cluster is secured with SASL - authentication is required from the module.

  • Topic has already been created manually.

  • Configuration values are being passed in as environment variables.

log: !Kafka
  bootstrapServers: !Env KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS
  topic: !Env XTDB_LOG_TOPIC
  autoCreateTopic: false
    sasl.mechanism: PLAIN
    security.protocol: SASL_SSL
    sasl.jaas.config: !Env KAFKA_SASL_JAAS_CONFIG

The KAFKA_SASL_JAAS_CONFIG environment variable will likely contain a string similar to the following, and should be passed in as a secret value: required username="username" password="password";