terraform init -from-module github.com/xtdb/xtdb.git//google-cloud/terraform
Google Cloud
XTDB provides modular support for Google Cloud environments, including a prebuilt Docker image, integrations with Google Cloud Storage, and configuration options for deploying onto Google Cloud infrastructure.
For more details on getting started with Google Cloud, see the "Setting up a cluster on Google Cloud" guide. |
Required Infrastructure
In order to run a Google Cloud based XTDB cluster, the following infrastructure is required:
A Google Cloud Storage bucket for remote storage.
A Kafka cluster for the message log.
For more information on setting up Kafka for usage with XTDB, see the Kafka configuration docs.
A service account with the necessary permissions to access the storage bucket and Kafka cluster.
XTDB nodes configured to communicate with the Kafka cluster and Google Cloud Storage.
We would recommend running XTDB in a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster, which provides a managed Kubernetes environment in Google Cloud. |
Terraform Templates
To set up a basic version of the required infrastructure, we provide a set of Terraform templates specifically designed for Google Cloud.
These can be fetched from the XTDB repository using the following command:
Required APIs
To deploy the required infrastructure, we need to ensure the following APIs are enabled on the Google Cloud project:
Cloud Storage API
Compute Engine API
Kubernetes Engine API
Required Permissions
In order for the terraform templates to setup the required infrastructure, the following permissions are required for the logged in user:
Storage Admin
- Required for creating and managing Google Cloud Storage buckets. -
Service Account Admin
- Required for creating and managing service accounts. -
Kubernetes Engine Admin
- Required for creating and managing Google Kubernetes Engine clusters and their resources.
By default, running the templates will deploy the following infrastructure:
IAM Service Account for accessing required Google Cloud resources.
Google Cloud Storage Bucket for remote storage.
Configured with associated resources using the GoogleCloud/storage-bucket Terraform module.
Adds required permissions to the Service Account.
Virtual Private Cloud Network for the XTDB GKE cluster.
Configured with associated resources using the GoogleCloud/network Terraform module.
Google Kubernetes Engine Cluster for running the XTDB resources.
Configured with associated resources using the GoogleCloud/kubernetes-engine Terraform module.
In order to customize the deployment, we provide a number of pre-defined variables within the terraform.tfvars
These variables can be modified to tailor the infrastructure to your specific needs.
The following variables are required to be set:
: The Google Cloud project ID to deploy the resources to. -
: A globally unique name for your Google Cloud Storage bucket.
For more advanced usage, the Terraform templates themselves can be modified to suit your specific requirements.
Helm Charts
For setting up a production-ready XTDB cluster on Google Cloud, we provide a Helm chart built specifically for Google Cloud environments.
To enable XTDB nodes to access a Google Cloud Storage bucket securely, a Kubernetes Service Account (KSA) must be set up and linked to a Google Cloud IAM service account using Workload Identity Federation.
Setting Up the Kubernetes Service Account:
Create the Kubernetes Service Account in the target namespace:
kubectl create serviceaccount xtdb-service-account --namespace xtdb-deployment
Binding the IAM Service Account
Fetch the IAM service account email (in the format <IAM_SA_NAME>@<PROJECT_ID>.iam.gserviceaccount.com
) and bind the roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser
role to the Kubernetes Service Account:
gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding <iam_service_account_email> \
--role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
--member "serviceAccount:<project_id>.svc.id.goog[xtdb-deployment/xtdb-service-account]"
Annotating the Kubernetes Service Account
Annotate the Kubernetes Service Account to establish the link between GKE and Google IAM:
kubectl annotate serviceaccount xtdb-service-account \
--namespace xtdb-deployment \
The Helm chart can be installed directly from the Github Container Registry releases.
This will use the default configuration for the deployment, setting any required values as needed:
helm install xtdb-google-cloud oci://ghcr.io/xtdb/helm-xtdb-google-cloud \
--version 2.0.0-snapshot \
--namespace xtdb-deployment \
--set xtdbConfig.serviceAccount=xtdb-service-account \
--set xtdbConfig.gcpProjectId=<project_id> \
--set xtdbConfig.gcpBucket=<bucket_name>
We provide a number of parameters for configuring numerous parts of the deployment, see the values.yaml
file or call helm show values
helm show values oci://ghcr.io/xtdb/helm-xtdb-google-cloud \
--version 2.0.0-snapshot
By default, the following resources are deployed by the Helm chart:
containing the XTDB YAML configuration. -
containing a configurable number of XTDB nodes, using the xtdb-google-cloud docker image -
Kubernetes service to expose the XTDB cluster to the internet.
Pulling the Chart Locally
The chart can also be pulled from the Github Container Registry, allowing further configuration of the templates within:
helm pull oci://ghcr.io/xtdb/helm-xtdb-google-cloud \
--version 2.0.0-snapshot \
Docker Image
The xtdb-google-cloud image is optimized for running XTDB in Google Cloud environments and is deployed on every release to XTDB.
By default, it will use Google Cloud Storage for storage and Kafka for the message log, including dependencies for both.
The following environment variables are used to configure the xtdb-google-cloud
Variable | Description |
Kafka bootstrap server containing the XTDB topics. |
Kafka topic to be used as the XTDB log. |
GCP project ID containing the bucket. |
Name of the Google Cloud Storage bucket used for remote storage. |
Path to the local disk cache. |
Persistent node id for labelling Prometheus metrics. |
You can also set the XTDB log level using environment variables.
Using a Custom Node Configuration
For advanced usage, XTDB allows the above YAML configuration to be overridden to customize the running node’s system/modules.
In order to override the default configuration:
Mount a custom YAML configuration file to the container.
Override the
of the docker container to use the custom configuration file, ie:CMD ["-f", "/path/to/custom-config.yaml"]
Google Cloud Storage
Google Cloud Storage can be used as a shared object-store for XTDB’s remote storage module.
Infrastructure Requirements
To use Google Cloud Storage as the object store, the following infrastructure is required:
A Google Cloud Storage bucket
A custom role with the necessary permissions for XTDB to use the bucket:
type: gcp-types/iam-v1:projects.roles name: custom-role-name properties: parent: projects/project-name roleId: custom-role-name role: title: XTDB Custom Role stage: GA description: Custom role for XTDB - allows usage of containers. includedPermissions: - storage.objects.create - storage.objects.delete - storage.objects.get - storage.objects.list - storage.objects.update - storage.buckets.get
XTDB uses Google’s "Application Default Credentials" for authentication. See the Google Cloud documentation for setup instructions.
To use the Google Cloud module, include the following in your node configuration:
storage: !Remote
objectStore: !GoogleCloud
## -- required
# The name of the GCP project containing the bucket
# (Can be set as an !Env value)
projectId: xtdb-project
# The Cloud Storage bucket to store documents
# (Can be set as an !Env value)
bucket: xtdb-bucket
## -- optional
# A file path to prefix all files with
# - for example, if "foo" is provided, all XTDB files will be under a "foo" sub-directory
# (Can be set as an !Env value)
# prefix: my-xtdb-node
localDiskCache: /var/cache/xtdb/object-store