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Setting up a cluster on AWS

This guide will walk you through the process of configuring an XTDB cluster on AWS, featuring a customizable number of nodes operating on ECS, all accessible via a load balancer.

We’ll utilize a set of provided CloudFormation templates available in the XTDB repository. These will set up a cluster of XTDB nodes that use S3 as the XTDB object store, and MSK hosted Kafka as the XTDB log.

While we provide numerous parameters to configure these templates, you’re encouraged to edit them for more advanced use-cases or to reuse existing infrastructure where appropriate.

The guide assumes that you are using the default templates to set everything up.

The provided templates:

  • xtdb-vpc: Sets up a sample VPC to be used by the other infrastructure

  • xtdb-s3: Sets up all S3 infrastructure & permissions that are required to be used for an XTDB Object Store

  • xtdb-msk: Sets up an MSK Kafka cluster for use as the XTDB log

    • Depends on xtdb-vpc

  • xtdb-alb: Sets up application load balancer and all relevant infrastructure for that to route traffic to the ECS service

    • Depends on xtdb-vpc

  • xtdb-ecs: Sets up XTDB on ECS, running on EC2 instances.

    • Depends on xtdb-vpc, xtdb-s3, xtdb-msk and xtdb-alb

Setting up the stacks

Access the AWS CloudFormation dashboard (or use the CLI) and follow the instructions to set up each stack in sequence.

Setting up the VPC

The xtdb-vpc template creates a sample VPC with networking components to be used by other infrastructure. This can be uploaded as is - no additional parameters are needed.

It will output the following:

  • VpcId: ID of the created VPC.

  • PublicSubnets: IDs of the VPC’s public subnets

  • PrivateSubnets: IDs of the VPC’s private subnets

  • SecurityGroupId: ID of the VPC’s security group

If you wish to group all of the resources created from all the templates under a single tag, you can apply them at the stack level when uploading the templates. This is optional, but may be useful for finding resources later.

Setting up the S3 resources

The xtdb-s3 template sets up infrastructure & permissions necessary to use S3 as an XTDB Object Store.

It doesn’t depend on xtdb-vpc, so you can upload both simultaneously. It requires the following input parameter:

  • S3BucketName - Desired name of the bucket which will contain the XTDB Object Store

It will output the following:

  • BucketName: Created S3 bucket name (identical to S3BucketName)

  • S3AccessPolicyArn: ARN of the managed policy granting all of the relevant S3 permissions

Setting up the MSK cluster

The xtdb-msk template establishes an MSK Kafka cluster to be used as the XTDB log, including necessary permissions. It requires xtdb-vpc to be created first.

It takes the following input parameters:

  • VpcId: ID of the VPC to host the MSK cluster on (from xtdb-vpc)

  • SecurityGroupId: ID of the security group to be used by the ECS nodes (from xtdb-vpc)

  • PrivateSubnets: List of private subnets to host the MSK brokers on, at least two (from xtdb-vpc)

  • MSKClusterName: Desired name for the MSK Kafka cluster - defaults to xtdb-cluster-kafka

  • MSKVolumeSize: The size in GiB of the EBS volume for the data drive on each broker node of the Kafka cluster - defaults to 100

It will output the following:

  • MSKClusterArn: ARN of the created MSK cluster

  • MSKClusterName: Name of the created MSK cluster

  • MSKAccessPolicyArn: ARN of the managed policy granting MSK permissions

The xtdb-msk stack will take longer to set up - usually around thirty minutes. This is because MSK will need to provision and set up Kafka. In the interim, you can set up xtdb-alb (see below).

Following the creation of the xtdb-msk stack, it’s crucial to perform an additional step to enable configuration of the XTDB nodes: retrieving the bootstrap servers from MSK.

Fetching the bootstrap servers

After the xtdb-msk stack has been successfully created, you will need to get the list of Kafka bootstrap servers that the node will connect to. As these cannot be directly returned from CloudFormation itself, you will need to fetch them manually from the cluster on AWS.

The steps to do so (in the AWS console) are as follows:

  • Go to the MSK dashboard in the console.

  • This should lead you to a list of Clusters - select whichever one has the same name as MSKClusterName (this defaults to xtdb-cluster-kafka if left unaltered)

  • You should see an overview of the created MSK cluster - at the top, there will be a Cluster summary - with a link to "View client information". Click on this.

  • This should lead to a list of Bootstrap Servers - there should be a copy button on the "PLAINTEXT" ones.

    • These should be in a comma separated list - there should be two of them in total.

    • The Bootstrap Server URLs should be in something similar to the following shape: b-2.<MSKClusterName>.<ID>.c5.kafka.<Region>

    • Ensure they end with port 9092, as these are the PLAINTEXT URLs.

Setting up the load balancer

The xtdb-alb template configures an Application Load Balancer to route traffic across the ECS service. It will require will require xtdb-vpc to have been created prior.

It takes the following input parameters:

  • VpcId: ID of the VPC to host the load balancer on (from xtdb-vpc)

  • SecurityGroupId: Group ID of the security group to be used by the ECS nodes (from xtdb-vpc)

  • PublicSubnets: List of public subnets to host the load balancer on (from xtdb-vpc)

It will output the following:

  • TargetGroupArn: ARN of the created target group

  • LoadBalancerArn: ARN of the created Application Load Balancer

  • LoadBalancerUrl: The load-balanced XTDB node URL - 'http://${ECSALB.DNSName}'

Setting up the nodes on ECS

The xtdb-ecs template will set up our XTDB cluster on running as an ECS service, and will require all of the prior stacks to be created.

It splits it’s inputs into two distinct sections - parameters/resources from other stacks, and desired ECS Configuration.

  • Expected input parameters from other resources/stacks:

    • SecurityGroupId: ID of the security group to be used by the ECS nodes (from xtdb-vpc)

    • PublicSubnets: List of public subnets to host the load balancer on (from xtdb-vpc)

    • TargetGroupArn: ARN of the target group created for the nodes (from xtdb-alb)

    • LoadBalancerArn: ARN of the Application Load Balancer created for the nodes (from xtdb-alb)

    • S3BucketName: Name of the S3 bucket to use as the XTDB object store (from xtdb-s3)

    • S3AccessPolicyArn: ARN of the managed policy offering access to all the S3 permissions necessary for the object store (from xtdb-s3)

    • MSKBootstrapServers: Comma separated list containing all Kafka bootstrap server URLs from MSK (needs to be grabbed manually from the MSK cluster info, see "Fetching the bootstrap servers")

    • MSKAccessPolicyArn: ARN of the managed policy offering access to all the MSK permissions (from xtdb-msk)

  • Expected input parameters for the configuration of ECS:

    • ClusterName: Name of the desired ECS cluster - defaults to xtdb-cluster

    • EC2InstanceType: EC2 instance type used for ECS Service - defaults to i3.large (storage optimized)

    • DesiredCapacity: Number of EC2 instances to launch in your ECS cluster / XTDB node tasks to run - defaults to 1

    • ImageId: Used to grab an 'ECS optimized' image from SSM Parameter Store (We recommend that this is left as default)

After creation - there will now be a cluster of XTDB nodes running on ECS with the desired user configuration. These will be accessible via the LoadBalancerUrl from xtdb-alb.

Accessing the node

With the stacks set up in AWS, you should now be able to make calls to the nodes over HTTP using the LoadBalancerUrl from the Application Load Balancer. You can call to GET the status of one of the nodes:

curl $LoadBalancerUrl/status
As our nodes are behind an application load balancer, be aware that messages sent over HTTP will be spread across the nodes, so you may see some differing values coming back from the status as each node in the cluster processes new transactions.

Should the above be successful, you should be ready to go with an XTDB cluster!