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XTDB provides modular support for Azure environments, including a prebuilt Docker image, integrations with Azure Blob Storage, Application Insights monitoring and configuration options for deploying onto Azure infrastructure.

For more details on getting started with Azure, see the "Getting Started with Azure" guide.

Required infrastructure

In order to run an Azure based XTDB cluster, the following infrastructure is required:

  • An Azure Storage Account, containing a Storage Account Container.

  • A user assigned managed identity for authentication with Azure services.

  • A Kafka cluster for transaction logs.

    • For more information on setting up Kafka for usage with XTDB, see the Kafka configuration docs.

  • XTDB nodes configured to communicate with the Kafka cluster and Azure Storage Account/Container.

xtdb-azure Docker Image

The xtdb-azure image is optimized for running XTDB in Azure environments, and is deployed on every release to XTDB.

By default, it will use Azure Blob Storage for object storage and Kafka for transaction logs, including dependencies for both.


The following environment variables configure the xtdb-azure image:

Variable Description


Kafka bootstrap server containing the XTDB topics.


Kafka topic to be used as the transaction log.


Kafka topic to be used for node file notifications.


Name of the Azure Storage Account.


Name of the Azure Storage Container.


Azure Client ID for the User Assigned Managed Identity used for authentication.


Path to the local disk cache for object storage.


Sets the root logging level for the node - defaults to INFO. See "Increasing the Log Level" for more information.


Persistent node id for labelling Prometheus metrics.

Using the "private auth" Configuration File

For setups requiring private/authenticated Kafka instances, we provide the "private auth" configuration file.

To switch from the default configuration above to the authenticated Kafka configuration, update the COMMAND of the docker container as follows:

CMD ["-f", "azure_config_private_auth.yaml"]

In addition to the standard environment variables, the following environment variables are required for private/authenticated Kafka.

Variable Description


SASL mechanism to use for Kafka authentication (e.g., PLAIN).


Security protocol for Kafka (e.g., SASL_SSL).


JAAS configuration for Kafka SASL authentication, (e.g. required username="user" password="password";).


The full endpoint of the storage account which has the storage container.

We would strongly recommend users mount the KAFKA_SASL_JAAS_CONFIG env as a secret on the container.

Using a Custom Node Configuration

For advanced usage, XTDB allows the above YAML configuration to be overridden to customize the running node’s system/modules.

In order to override the default configuration:

  1. Mount a custom YAML configuration file to the container.

  2. Override the COMMAND of the docker container to use the custom configuration file, ie:

    CMD ["-f", "/path/to/custom-config.yaml"]

Azure Blob Storage

Azure Blob Storage can be used as a shared object-store for XTDB’s remote storage module.

Infrastructure Requirements

To use Azure Blob Storage as the object store, the following infrastructure is required:

  1. An Azure Storage Account, containing a Storage Account Container.

  2. Appropriate permissions for the storage account:

  "permissions": [
      "actions": [
      "notActions": [],
      "dataActions": [
      "notDataActions": []


XTDB uses the Azure SDK for authentication, relying on the DefaultAzureCredential. This supports multiple authentication methods, including Managed Identity. For more details, refer to the Azure Documentation.


To use the Azure module, include the following in your node configuration:

storage: !Remote
  objectStore: !Azure
    # -- required

    # --- At least one of storageAccount or storageAccountEndpoint is required

    # The name of the storage account which has the storage container
    # (Can be set as an !Env value)
    storageAccount: storage-account

    # The full endpoint of the storage account which has the storage container
    # (Can be set as an !Env value)
    # storageAccountEndpoint:

    # The name of the blob storage container to be used as the object store
    # (Can be set as an !Env value)
    container: xtdb-container

    # -- optional
    # A file path to prefix all of your files with
    # - for example, if "foo" is provided, all XTDB files will be located under a "foo" sub-directory
    # (Can be set as an !Env value)
    # prefix: my-xtdb-node
    # Azure Client ID of a User Assigned Managed Identity -
    # required when using them for authentication to Azure Services ie, inside of an Azure App Container.
    # (Can be set as an !Env value)
    # userManagedIdentityClientId: user-managed-identity-client-id

  localDiskCache: /var/cache/xtdb/object-store

Application Insights Monitoring

XTDB supports reporting metrics to Azure Application Insights for performance and health monitoring.


To enable Application Insights monitoring, include the following in your node configuration:

  - !AzureMonitor
    instrumentationKey: !Env XTDB_AZURE_INSTRUMENTATION_KEY

Providing a valid instrumentationKey linked to a pre-existing Application Insights resource is required.